Mhhhh Atari... Magari!!!
Scimmia! VADE RETRO!!
non e' mai stato discusso da nessuna parte, probabilmente perche' poco noto e ancora meno utilizzato, questo perche' per cose RTOS ci sono soluzioni commerciali da parte di Keil (tra i + economici) per proseguire verso progetti come freeRTOS usatissimo p.e. in domoticarecentemente avevo fatto una lista, rispondendo a chi diceva "kernel linux, mi piacerebbe ma … e' troppo" CitazioneCitazionebut all my C/C++ stuff has been way up in userlandoh well, having to deal with the linux kernel is not a funny experience (and a bit bloated to learn) from the point of view of sources, if you want a kernel side approach, where you can learn and experiment kernel objects (semaphores, mutex, monitors, concurrency, dispatchers, schedulers, etc), don't worry about that, you might have more fun with the following RTOSNuTTx/OSXINU/OStNeo/OSChibi/OSXINU/OS is good and easy to learn, and there are a few books you can study, and a few cheap hw platform you can use (routers? with jtag? OOOMMMGGG, G means Google, he knows what), but NuTTx/OS is more interesting
Citazionebut all my C/C++ stuff has been way up in userlandoh well, having to deal with the linux kernel is not a funny experience (and a bit bloated to learn) from the point of view of sources, if you want a kernel side approach, where you can learn and experiment kernel objects (semaphores, mutex, monitors, concurrency, dispatchers, schedulers, etc), don't worry about that, you might have more fun with the following RTOSNuTTx/OSXINU/OStNeo/OSChibi/OSXINU/OS is good and easy to learn, and there are a few books you can study, and a few cheap hw platform you can use (routers? with jtag? OOOMMMGGG, G means Google, he knows what), but NuTTx/OS is more interesting
but all my C/C++ stuff has been way up in userland