Hello to all!
Here is another update on GLFX Library and Hasteroids, this time I’ve worked on both of them to achieve some goals planned in the latest patrons-only-post.
Here is a list of the changes :
GLFX Library
– Added GLFX:SceneIsQueued(sceneName) method to check if a scene change has bee already queued.
– Fixed GLFX:ChangeScene() method so that the current scene wil be uninialized only when the delay has been reached, and not when it is queued for a delayed change.
– Added Inverted particle systems, very nice to create wormhole effects, implosion, shoot charge, etc…
Just specify the tag “Inverted=True” and you are done, combine it with the “Gravity” tag to get even more interesting fx.
– Changed the code so that, when the last player ship explodes objects on screen are kept in movement and the ship explosion is showed before switching to the Game Over scene.
– When a level is completed a new level will come in few seconds (configurable). The level text is animated when it is updated.
– Player ship respawn animation : Inverted particle effect and player ship zoom effect added.
– Adjusted player respwan position to avoid extreme screen borders.
Next steps?
– Flying saucers (they may drop bonuses)
– Gravitational wave to strike away rocks (special weapon)
– Boss levels (oooh yes!)
– Animated backgrounds
Source code will follow in few days!
Stay tuned 😀