Il programma "demo" svolge anche una funzione di "loader" per gli "sprites". Le subroutines sono al 6820. Nella D64 ci sono infatti 4 programmi.
L'ho listato con WinVice
61 PRINT"..":gosub 1471
91 fa=8:fb=14:sl=1
121 a$=" C128-Demo: "
151 b$=" Done by Flexman "
181 rempoke0,peek(0)or64
211 rempoke1,peek(1)and(255-64)
241 remcolor0,1:color4,1
271 remfl$="martinisch"
301 rembload(fl$),onb0
331 rempoke dec("0a2c"),(peek(dec("0a2c"))and240)or12
361 rempoke0,peek(0)or64
391 rempoke1,peek(1)and(255-64)
421 printchr$(14)
451 rem ******
481 lr=0
511 rl=39
541 za$=left$(a$,40-rl)
571 zb$=right$(b$,lr+1)
601 color 5,fa
631 char1,rl,18,za$,1
661 color 5,fb
691 char1,0,20,zb$,1
721 rl=rl-1
751 lr=lr+1
781 if rl>=0 then goto 541
811 sleep sl
812 if ss=2then gosub 6820
815 ifss=1thensleep1
816 ifss=0thengosub7000
841 rl=0
871 print"."
901 char1,rl,18," ",1
931 char1,39-rl,20," ",1
961 rl=rl+1
991 if rl<40 then goto 901
1021 ss=ss+1
1051 print"."
1081 if ss=1 then goto 1201
1111 if ss=2 then goto 1291
1121 if ss=3 then goto 1391
1171 ifss=4thengoto1711
1201 a$=" Thanks to everyone who helped.. "
1220 ifd=1thengoto1741
1231 b$="..the Manual and C64 Sonderheft 51&64! "
1261 goto 451
1291 a$=" Please make sure to connect.. "
1321 b$=" ..80column Monitor AT THE SAME TIME!! "
1351 goto 451
1391 a$=" Written in Basic!! "
1411 b$=" OK!! Prepare to start!! ":fa=15:fb=4
1441 goto 451
1471 print" #### ###### # # #####
1501 print" ## # ## ## ## ## #
1531 print" ## # ###### # # # ## #
1561 print" ## # ## # # # ## #
1591 print" #### ###### # # #####
1621 print
1651 print
1681 return
1711 rem***
1741 fast:graphic5:c=2:scnclr
1771 print".":color5,c:ifc>8thengoto2320
1801 print" ccccc ooooo m m m m ooooo ddd ooooo rrrrr eeeee
1831 print" cc o o mm mm mm mm o o d d o o r r ee
1861 print" cc o o m m m m m m o o d d o o rrrrr eeeee
1891 print" cc o o m m m m o o d d o o r r ee
1921 print" ccccc ooooo m m m...m ooooo ddd ooooo r r eeeee
1951 print"
1981 print" ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### # #
2011 print" # # # ## ## ## ## ## #
2041 print" # ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### # # #
2071 print" # # # ## ## ## ## # ##
2101 print" # # # ##### ## ## ##### # #
2131 print"
2135 ifc=8thengoto2290
2161 print" ##### ##### # #####
2191 print" ## ## # # # #
2221 print" ## ## ##### ##### #
2251 print" ## # # # # # #
2281 print" ##### # # # # #####":got
2290 print" ##### ##### # #####
2291 print" ## ## # # # #
2292 print" ## ## ##### ##### #
2293 print" ## # # # # # #
2294 print" ##### # # # # #####":got
2311 c=c+1:goto1771
2320 ifd=1thengoto2881
2341 graphic1,1:color1,2
2371 width 1
2401 for a=0 to 319 step 3
2431 locate 159,99
2461 draw to a,0
2491 next a
2492 printchr$(27)+"r"
2493 gosub7000
2521 for a=0 to 199 step3
2551 locate 159,99
2581 draw to 319,a
2611 next a
2612 printchr$(27)+"n"
2613 gosub7000
2641 for a=319 to 0 step -3
2671 locate 159,99
2701 draw to a,199
2731 next a
2761 for a=199 to 0 step -3
2791 locate 159,99
2821 draw to 0,a
2851 next a
2881 graphic5
2941 c=2:graphic0:printchr$(142):scnclr
2971 color5,c:print".":ifc>8thengoto3421
3001 print" #### ## ## # ##
3031 print" ## # ## ## # # ##
3061 print" ## # ## ## ##### ##
3091 print" ## # ## ## ## ## ##
3121 print" ## # ## ## ## ## ##
3151 print" #### #### ## ## #####
3181 print"
3211 print" #### ###### # # #####
3241 print" ## # ## ## ## ## #
3271 print" ## # ###### # # # ## #
3301 print" ## # ## # # # ## #
3331 print" #### ###### # # #####
3361 slow
3370 gosub7000
3391 c=c+1:goto2971
3421 rem***
3451 graphic5
3456 printchr$(142)
3481 print"."
3511 print"...............................................................
3541 print "............. ............... ............... .............
.. ."
3571 print "............ ............. ............. ............
. ."
3601 fori=1to25
3631 print"............. .............. .............. ..............
3661 nexti
3691 graphic0
3721 print"."
3751 print"......................................."
3781 print ".... ......... ......... ......... ."
3811 fori=1to25
3841 print"...................................."
3871 nexti
3900 color0,12:color4,12:color6,13
3915 fori=1to25
3920 graphic0:print". . ........................ . ";
3925 graphic5:print". . ....................................
............ . ";
3930 nexti
3940 sprite1,1,8,0,0,1,0
3950 movspr1,168,0
3955 sprsavp$,1
3960 sprsavp$,2
3970 sprsavp$,3
3980 sprsavp$,4
3990 sprite2,1,8,0,0,1,0
3993 sprite3,1,8,0,0,1,0
3994 sprite4,1,8,0,0,1,0
3995 movspr2,168,68
3996 movspr3,168,136
3997 movspr4,168,202
4000 movspr1,180#5:movspr2,180#5:movspr3,180#5:movspr4,180#5
4100 graphic5:color5,8
4110 window40,1,40,24
4120 print"."
4190 fori=1to50
4200 print". "
4210 nexti
4310 window31,1,35,24
4320 print""
4330 print".Q...Q"
4331 print".. ."
4332 print".Q. .Q"
4333 print"...."
4340 print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:pri
4410 window50,1,54,24
4420 print""
4430 print".Q...Q"
4431 print".. ."
4432 print".Q. .Q"
4433 print"...."
4440 print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:pri
4500 window0,0,79,24
4600 print".. "
4610 print" "+chr$(143)+" "
4620 print" "+chr$(143)+" "
4630 print" "+chr$(143)+" "
4640 print" "+chr$(143)+" "
4641 print" "+chr$(143)+" "
4642 print" "+chr$(143)+" "
4645 print" "+chr$(143)+" "
4646 print" "
4649 print
4660 print" .. ."
4661 print" "
4662 print" "
4663 print" ....."+chr$(143)+" . .
4664 print" ... .. . ..."
4665 print" ... ."
4666 print" "
4667 print" "
4668 print" "
4669 print" . ..... ...."
4670 print" .. .."
4680 sprsavl$,5
4690 sprsavl$,6
5000 sprite5,1,6,0,0,0,1
5010 movspr5,115,230
5020 movspr5,0#3
5025 sleep1
5030 sprite6,1,7,0,0,0,1
5040 movspr6,215,230
5050 movspr6,0#3
5055 m=2
5060 fori=1to3
5062 gosub7000
5063 nexti
5070 print"."
5071 print". U..............I
5072 print" B B
5073 print" B B
5074 print" B B
5075 print" B B
5076 print" J..............K
5077 print" ........................
5078 print" B . .c128d. . ."+chr$(143)+" ..... B
5079 print" .......................... .Q."
5080 print" U......................I BU...I
5081 print" B
qertyuiop@*123456789 B ..WBWB
5082 print" B asfghjklzxcvbnm<>?!0 B B B
5083 print" J......................K J...K
5100 fori=1to23
5110 graphic2,,i
5120 nexti
5130 graphic1
5200 fori=1to8
5210 sprsavn$(1),i
5211 sprsavn$(1),i
5215 spritei,1,i+2,0,1,1,0
5216 movspri,140+i*5,110+i*2
5217 movspri,i*45#i
5230 nexti
5231 graphic5
5232 window8,12,21,15
5235 forz=1to10
5240 fori=1to4
5245 forh=1to4
5250 sprsavn$(i),h
5251 sprsavn$(5-i),9-h
5252 print". .......... ";
5253 print". ........... ";
5254 print". ........ ";
5255 nexth
5256 print". ........ .. ";
5257 print". ......... .. ";
5258 print". ...... .. ";
5259 nexti
5260 print". ........ .. ";
5261 print". ......... .. ";
5262 print". ...... .. ";
5270 nextz
5300 ifd=0thenprintchr$(142)
5310 print" "
5320 window0,0,79,24
5325 fori=1to8
5326 spritei,0
5327 nexti
5328 d=1
5330 goto1
6820 ifd=1thenreturn
6821 ifss=2thenbload"sprites"
6822 ifss=2thensprsav1,p$
6823 ifss=2thensprsav5,l$
6829 ifss=2thenbload"demo-sprite2"
6830 ifss=2then dimn$(10)
6831 ifss=2thensprsav1,n$(1)
6832 ifss=2thensprsav2,n$(2)
6833 ifss=2thensprsav3,n$(3)
6834 ifss=2thensprsav4,n$(4)
6835 ifss=2thensprsav5,n$(5)
6836 ifss=2thensprsav6,n$(6)
6837 ifss=2thensprsav7,n$(7)
6838 ifss=2thensprsav8,n$(
6840 return
7000 ifm>0thengoto7005
7001 play"v3x0v2x0v1x0t8o0iaro1aro2arao3arao4arao5ar
7003 goto8000
7005 ifm>1thengoto7015
7010 play"o2it8ffffffff#g#g#g#g#g#g.#giccccccics#diffffhf
7013 goto8000
7015 ifm>2thengoto7025
7020 play"v1t8ifv2t3icv1ffv2cv1ffv2bv1ffv2cv1f#gv2bv1#gv2bv1#gv2cv1#g#gv2c
7023 goto8000
7025 ifm>3thengoto7035
7030 play"ifv2t3icv3o4t7qfo2v1ffv2cv1fv3o4qfio2v1fv2bv1ffv2cv1f#gv2bv3o4q#
7033 goto8000
7035 ifm>4thengoto7045
7040 play"v1cv3o5qco2iv1cv2cv1ccv2bv3o5qco2iv1cv2bv1cv2cv1cv2cv1s#div2csci
7043 goto8000
7045 ifm>5thengoto7055
7050 play"v1ifv2t3icv3o4t7qfo2v1fv3o4fo2iv1fv2cv1fv3o4qfio2v1fv2bv1fv3o5co
7053 goto8000
7055 ifm>6thengoto7065
7060 play"v1cv3o5qco2iv1cv2cv3o5qcio2v1ccv2bv3o5qco2iv1cv2bv1cv2cv3o5qco2i
7063 goto8000
7065 ifm>7thengoto7070
7068 play"v1t8o2iv.cv3o4.co2v1.dv3o4.do2v1.ev3o4.eo2v1.fv3o4.fo2v1.gv3o4.g
7069 goto8000
7070 ifm>8thengoto7095
7090 play"v1t8o3iv.cv3o5.co2v1.gv3o4.go2v1.fv3o4.fo2v1.ev3o4.eo2v1.dv3o4.d
7093 goto8000
7095 ifm>9thengoto7100
7098 play"v1cv3o5qco2iv1cv2cv3o5qcio2v1ccv2bv3o5qco2iv1cv2bv1cv2cv3o5qco2i
7099 goto8000
7100 play"v1ifv2t3icv3o4t7qfo2v1fv3o4fo2iv1fv2cv1fv3o4qfio2v1fv2bv1fv3o5co
7101 play"v1t8o3iv.cv3o5.co2v1.gv3o4.go2v1.fv3o4.fo2v1.ev3o4.eo2v1.dv3o4.d
7103 goto8000
7105 ifm>11thengoto7115
7110 play"v1cv3o5qco2iv1cv2cv1ccv2bv3o5qco2iv1cv2bv1cv2cv1cv2cv1s#div2csci
7113 goto8000
7115 ifm>12thengoto7125
7120 play"v1ifv2t3icv3o4t7qfo2v1fv3o4fo2iv1fv2cv1fv3o4qfio2v1fv2bv1fv3o5co
7123 goto8000
7130 play"v1t8ifv2t3icv1ffv2cv1ffv2bv1ffv2cv1f#gv2bv1#gv2bv1#gv2cv1#g#gv2c
7135 m=1
8000 m=m+1
8001 return