Resource Maker for Hollywood
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Let’s build a Dungeon Crawler with Hollywood-MAL! (part 3, Designing the game) Let’s go on with the secondary attributes. As you have seen in the previous article, I have defined the following secondary attributes : Health The “so called” hit points, a value that represent the character’s life points, when they go down to zero…
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Let’s build a Dungeon Crawler with Hollywood-MAL! (part 2, Designing the game) I’m going to discuss deeply the character’s class data structure, it’s a core game element and must be planned carefully, so let’s go. LEVEL AND EXPTABLE Every character, friend or foe, has a level: basically it’s a number that allow the player…
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Let’s build a Dungeon Crawler with Hollywood-MAL! (part 1, Designing the game) Since I’m an RPG & JRPG lover I’ve played tons of these games and I’ve always wanted to build my very own game. I’ve tried several times to build a dungeon crawler game, and most of my tries failed because the lack of…
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Helpers Library Helpers Library provide a set of useful functions and object/methods for general purpose programming. LINKS For the documentation, for the change log and for the detailed contents of the library. If you find my work useful consider a small donation. Support me on Patreon!
ENGLISH (Scorri in basso per l’italiano) Here we come to a new report to update you on what I’m working on lately and on future projects. First of all, I’m very happy because Hollywood 8.0 has been released with lots of new features and lots of bug fixes. Please look at the official website if…
Hello all!Finally I’ve updated AppBuilder 🙂 APPBuilder is a tool that can drastically increase your Hollywood multimedia language productivity, infact with APPBuilder you can compile and pack your cross-platform project with a single click without bothering with long shell commands. In a standard environment, if you will to target multiple platforms and you are using plugins, you…
How to code sliders in Hollywood using Hollywood’s Layer Engine Hi guys, a week ago @Bugala requested me informations about some Hollywood libraries I’m working on, he was willing to support my work (thank you Bugala!) and he also asked for something able to handle sliders using layers for his own purposes. He also asked…
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Hello all, I’ve very happy to release this new library for Hollywood-MAL, as always the very hard stage was writing documentation, it’s too boring but a needed step in order to share my work with other Hollywood programmers! G2D Library overview G2D Library adds some objects and methods to manage graphic areas, but the most important…
HFinder for AROS has been released, it is a software with a very simple interface to locate files on your media, if you want more details about the application please have a look here. From now on the application will be distributed using an updater that will download all the necessary files for your system automatically,…