AmiCloud Beta 4 available!
AmiCloud beta 4 has been released with lot of features and bug fixes!!
AmiCloud is the DropBox alternative for all systems including Windows, Linux (ARM, PPC, i386), OSX (PPC, Intel), MorphOS, AROS (i386), Amiga 68k (RTG), AmigaOS 4.
Here is the Changelog including the short one for beta3c
::: CHANGELOG (BETA 04 – 10/12/2015)
– Fixed a problem for files created in january, it was a typo on my date conversions routines.
– Fixed the missing space before the user name, this bug was visible only with the auto-login enabled.
– Now it’s not possible to open the share window if the user is not yet logged in.
Also, changing user when the share window is opened it will make it close for data coherence.
– Auto-Login without first login problem: this bug was showed when
– The user has not yet logged in at least once
– Then he sets the Auto-Login ON
– And finally closes the client without executing the first login
At the next run AmiCloud was trying to AutoLogin, but since there wasn’t a “last-login” it was crashing.
Now, if these conditions occurs, AmiCloud will switch OFF the auto-login and will pop an information window.
– During the upload process AmiCloud will show the upload status with the completed percentual and speed in kilobyte/second
– During the download process the client will show the download status with the completed percentual and speed in kilobyte/second
– Now AmiCloud remember its window’s position and at the next run will move to the latest position where it was when closed.
– Now the preferences window can be resized to allow user to see long synchronized folder’s path
– Added a new preference : Start iconified. If set the client will be iconified as soon as it is started and have completed the login. Only effective when the AutoLogin is enabled.
::: CHANGELOG (Beta 03c) :::
[ Internal Libraries ]
– Fixed a bug that was causing bad date conversions in December, in some occasion affected application could crash.
Here is a video with the latest release syncing files between Windows, AROS (on VMWare) and Linux (on Virtual Box) 🙂
Sorry, but this does not work at all (on iBook G4 running 10.5.8 Leopard)
I get an error, when I try to login, aka pressing login button after registering via the amicloud app.
I wanted to post the error-msg, but as I wanted to register on the forum, the Captcha stuff did not work (no images shown on Webkit Safari browser), so sorry!
I was using the version provided by “PPC AppStore” and as I wanted to try the DL from your website, stuffit expander and other unzip-tool complains “corrupted format” and/or “invalid checksum”.
Seems, the beta is not over, yet. At least I hope, my email-adress get not sold to everyone outthere
Hi Paul,
I’ve sent you an email about your message 🙂