Helpers library
for Hollywood is ready, I’ve uploaded a new version (1.5) and updated the documentation . You can download the library from my site
Note that methods could be recognized as link by your browser because of the colon but they are not, here is the list of available functions, classes and methods:
- HL.BufferedString:AddChar(char)
- HL.BufferedString:Get()
- HL.BufferedString:New()
- HL.Color:Brighten(delta)
- HL.Color:Clone()
- HL.Color:Darken(delta)
- HL.Color:New(params)
- HL.Color:fromARGB(a, r, g, b)
- HL.Color:fromValue(value)
- HL.Color:toARGBValue()
- HL.Color:toRGBValue()
- HL.Convert.BytesTo(bytes, target, decimals)
- HL.Convert.ForTextOut(text)
- HL.Convert.HTML2Hollywood(text)
- HL.Convert.HTMLAmper2UTF8(html_amper)
- HL.Convert.HTMLTag2HollywoodTag(html_tag)
- HL.Convert.Unicode2UTF8(value)
- HL.CutBetweenLimits(txt, sLimit, eLimit, tags)
- HL.CutStringLeft(text, maxLen)
- HL.CutStringRight(text, maxLen)
- HL.GetBetweenLimits(txt, sLimit, eLimit)
- HL.GetRndColor(alpha)
- HL.GetRndName()
- HL.Input.CheckJoystick(waitKey, waitRelease)
- HL.Input.CheckKeyboard(keyList, waitKey, waitRelease)
- HL.IsNil(value)
- HL.IsNotNil(value)
- HL.ParseRunArgs(CaseSensitive)
- HL.Safe(value)
- HL.SizeString(txt, size)
- HL.Value2Perc(Range, Value)
- HL.WaitForAction(key, delay, callback, timeout, timeout_callback, userdata)